In a high-stakes prison escape, Uldren and his eight Barons took out legendary Hunter, Cayde-6, and unleashed chaos across the Reef.
- Hunt Down Uldren Sov and avenge Cayde-6
- Enhances your Guardian with Nine Additional Supers*
- Exotic quests to unlock powerful gear
- Story Missions, Adventures, Destination Activities, and access to the Annual Pass including three seasons:
- Season of the Forge: Discover weapons of Light and Fury. Add long-forgotten treasure to your legend.
- Season of the Drifter: Gambit was only the beginning, and the Drifter is ready to deal you another deadly hand.
- Season of Opulence: Emperor Calus beckons Guardians to prove their worth by pitting them against foes in his Menagerie.
* These nine additional Supers are also available to players who purchase Destiny 2: Shadowkeep.